Skoyfa 11, Kolonaki, Athens, P.C. 10673


6972802636 , 6975406106



The OTA EXPO 2024 exhibition designed for the Organizations of Local Government and all the collaborating carriers, will take place at MEC Peanias on 21st & 22 October 2024.

This Exhibition comes to emphasize the important role that the Local Communities-Societies will play for the accomplishment of resilience and business continuation. That is, the ability to provide services of high quality, within a constantly changing and evolutionary environment, even under challenging conditions or during discontinuities. Main parts of the Exhibition will form the information, designation, awareness and discovery of solutions and optimal practices on crucial issues-challenges that face these days the Organizations of Local Government (OLG). At the OTA EXPO will participate as speakers and coordinators representatives of the Government (Ministers, Deputy Ministers, General Secretaries of Ministries), elected officials and technocrats (Mayors, Regional Governors, Deputy Governors, General Secretaries of the mayors and Special Consultants), University Representatives (Rectors, Professors with relevant responsibilities with the OLG. As well as representatives of European municipalities that stood out for their policies and activities.


The 332 municipalities
The 13 regions
Legal entities and companies managed or owned by the above-mentioned municipalities and regions
The 7 decentralised administrations
The Public Sector Bodies
The private companies that cooperate with, supply, advise and support the Organizations of Local Government
Executives of the Banking and Insurance Sector


Laboratory of Organisation and Management of Services and Quality of Life of the University of Peloponnese
School of Management of the University of Peloponnese
Department of Economics of the Democritus University of Thrace
MaGBISE Research Laboratory of the Department of Economics of the Democritus University of Thrace
Department of Tourism Studies, Laboratory of Tourism Excellence, University of Piraeus


OTA EXPO 2024 aims, among others, tothe:
Promotion of images and work of the Municipalities
Promotion and exchange of knowledge, expertise and innovation
Networking and information on all the new challenges and issues
Information for the available funding instruments
Rearrangement, re-design of procedures, management of changes and risks
Development of partnerships, collaborations and reinforcement of capabilities

The OLG and the cooperating entities can actively participate in the Exhibition with their own stand, promoting and showing their work, initiatives and services that have produced in the exercise of their responsibilities. At the exhibiting stand can be featured the following:

Promotion of City/Place branding
Commercial Messages and logos
Public Relations Schedules
Organization of various events
Promotion of touristic destinations
Cultural and spatial planning
Public and Private Partnerships
Sustainable Development Initiatives
Information on Infrastructures and Public Services
Social Services and Programs for Residents
Educational Initiatives and Lifelong Learning Programs
Health Services and Public health campaigns
Accessibility and Inclusion Initiatives
Sport Facilities and recreation programs