Skoyfa 11, Kolonaki, Athens, P.C. 10673


6972802636 , 6975406106



The thematic sections that will be discussed during the OTA EXPO exhibition are
Circular Economy, Circular Cities and Communities
Climate Change, Extreme Phenomena and Civil Protection
Smart Cities and Digital Transformation
Urban development, Resilience and Sustainable Mobility
Health, Providence and Social Solidarity
Energy Poverty and Energy Saving
Financial Tools and Funding Sources
Governance, Accountability, Efficiency and Effectiveness
Shaping of Identity and Image of Modern Cities

Circular Economy, Circular Cities and Communities

The importance and the impact of the adoption of the principals of circular economy at urban development will be analyzed, as well as decrease of waste, ecological design in public works and overall sustainability.

Participants will delve into strategies and approaches for integrating sustainable development and circular economy practices in the public sector, presenting case studies and concrete initiatives.

The session will also focus on innovative strategies based on sustainable practices, circular economy principles and the integration of smart technologies to optimise waste collection and treatment.

At the same time, existing policies will be examined and ways to improve them will be discussedwith representatives of Local Authorities and the State.

Finally, participants will analyse how the Circular Economy can be a catalyst for transformation towards sustainable urban development.

Climate Change, Extreme Phenomena and Civil Protection

The module will examine strategies for adaptation to climate change by local authorities, experiences and lessons learned in crisis management in other countries/municipalities, innovative approaches and new technologies in new circumstances and the role of local authorities in building resilience.

Some of the topics to be discussed include: risk assessments, infrastructure planning, community engagement, practical ideas drawn from experience in dealing with the impacts of climate crisis and upcoming change, and the integration of smart technologies for early detection, early warning and rapid response systems for prevention.

The aim of this sections is to inform participants about recent trends, developmentsand solutions that not only reduce the impact of the climate crisis, butalso contribute to the overall well-being and security of citizens in the new climate data.

Smart Cities and Digital Transformation

The incorporation of digital innovation and technology in local governance will be examined as well as its impact on improving the overall delivery of services to citizens.

Exhibitors and speakers will, analyse the multi-faceted aspects of digital transformation, addressing issues such as the adoption of smart technologies for streamlined services, the prospect of data-driven decision making for more efficient governance and the development of digital platforms to promote the inclusiveness of society.

The aim is to inform the public about the complexity of today’s urban challenges, but at the same time to present solutions that prioritise the holistic well-being of citizens.

Urban development, Resilience and Sustainable Mobility

This module will focus on the triptych Urban Design, Built Environment and Sustainable Urban Mobility, which is the most important factor in the creation of modern and sustainable cities-communities.

Strategies that contribute to the development of smart cities and emphasise environmental awareness, community well-being and good mobility within the urban landscape will be analysed.

Discussions will cover topics of sustainable urban development, green building, resilient infrastructure and smart mobility solutions in the urban landscape. From designing green spaces and promoting the integration of green infrastructure into the urban fabric, the panel aims to examine how stereotypical city design and an already built environment can be improved to create sustainable and smart cities that are friendly to residents and visitors, inclusive and environmentally sustainable.

Emphasis will also be placed on sustainable urban mobility and ecomobilityin order to present solutions to tackle traffic congestion and reduce the environmental footprint.

Health, Providence and Social Solidarity

Health, providence, social solidarity and equality are key factors for the quality of life and the prosperity of each local community. This module will examine today’s means and implements for the improvement and upgrade for health prevention services and reinforcement of social concern.

Exhibitors and speakers will inform the public on approaches to accessibility, healthcare, integrating technology into health services and improving social welfare programmes adapted to local needs. The aim is to explore the overall role of local government in the above areas and to identify programmes, practices and partnerships that can make a decisive contribution.

Issues of social innovation and solidarity in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the impact on social organisations, workers, the workplaces of the future, the reorganisation of health services, education and the capacity to deal with new types of occupational diseases related to mental health will also be discussed.

Energy Poverty and Energy Saving

Energy poverty remains a pressing global issue, depriving millions of people from reliable and affordable sources of energy.

The module will delve into the multifaceted nature of energy poverty, its socio-economic impacts and the urgent need for sustainable energy saving solutions for the benefit of citizens and society.

Energy poverty has emerged as a major issue in many municipalities and regions across Greece, where a significant proportion of the population is experiencing difficulties. The issue is exacerbated by economic challenges and high energy prices.

To address this problem, initiatives promoting energy saving measures and energy offsetting schemes for vulnerable households through Energy Communities have gained momentum.

The state is implementing programmes to improve energy efficiency in buildings, educating citizens on energy-saving practices and providing subsidies for energy-efficient appliances. By empowering citizens to reduce energy consumption and supporting initiatives that improve energy efficiency, municipalities and regions in Greece aim to reduce energy poverty and promote sustainable energy use for the benefit of their communities.

Financial Tools and Funding Sources

This section deals with the financial resilience of OLG in the face of economic and financial challenges of the current financial era and practices to be followed to ensure the necessary resources.

Practices, solutions, ways of informing and assisting local authorities in the efficient use of resources, mainly from the NSRF, State Grants, European Programmes and the Green Fund, for the purpose of development projects for the benefit of the community will be discussed.

Speakers will examine effective financial management, innovative approaches to revenue generation and practical measures to address financial uncertainties, with a view to generating practical ideas for building the financial resilience of LAs. Representatives from funding agencies will present effective approaches to accessing and utilising all funding opportunities.

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for local development projects will also be explored, analysing all the advantages and the need to create a framework to facilitate public-private partnerships.

Governance, Accountability, Efficiency and Effectiveness

This module will comment on the impact of the new law on local authorities on their functioning and on their performance reporting. In addition, there will be presented indicators of efficiency and effectiveness, there will be analyzed practices of their application, as well as the instruments and the policies for the management of public cases by OLG.

The nature of local government affairs and administrative problems may allow themto meet the needs for the effective exercise of their responsibilities. The new law aims to improve the organisational and governance model of local authorities by creating more efficient organisational and administrative structures, managing resources and staff more effectively and enhancing transparency.

In addition, institutional frameworks for cooperation between the public, private and social sectors of the economy, alongside with scientific institutions are envisaged to enable local government to respond to the organisation and management of the affairs it administers.

Shaping of Identity and Image of Modern Cities

This module will focus on the best strategies and practices to make tourism, culture and sport, the driving forces for the development and well-being of local society and economy.

The role of tourism as a catalyst for local economies will be explored, with an emphasis on sustainable tourism development. The aim of the module is to provide useful ideas for local government and stakeholders to harness tourism as a driver of economic development, while prioritising environmental and social issues.

Multi-faceted and integrated strategies will be discussed that aim to promote cultural wealth, folklore, gastronomy, sports initiatives and all the individual thematic events (such as flower festivals) that contribute to the overall development and identity of a community or destination, for the benefit of both residents and visitors.